Why do my laundry pods not dissolve? Sep 01, 2022

When we take the laundry pod from the package, do we need to cut or tear the film? The answer is no. Actually, the film of the laundry pod is a water-soluble film, that it dissolved when meets with water, therefore, you will just need to toss the laundry pod into the washing machine.

Ok, is our problem solved? Obviously, no.

One of the reasons is that those front-load washing machine consumes lesser water amount for washing and laundry pods tossed into washing machine in an improper way.

How do we avoid the problem mentioned above?

Step 1: toss the laundry pod into the empty washing machine

Step 2: put in your clothes ready for washing

Step 3: turn on the washing machine, start washing.

The reason that we toss the laundry pod into the washing machine before putting our clothes is to prevent the laundry pod being wrapped when the clothes rolled and tied together.

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